Kent Killmer
Red House   Fiction. Perhaps.

Red House: Fiction. Perhaps.

RED HOUSE  Fiction. Perhaps.

      by Kent Killmer                                               

Right wing 'Key' patriot shakes up US in search of President's puppeteer.

Francis Scott Key, patriot
Right wing conservative and card-carrying member of the Silent Majority, Francis Scott Key is the shirttail relative of the national anthem's author. A former SEAL and current venture capitalist in Menlo Park, California, Scotty becomes involved with Ali Woo, a beautiful NSA agent.

Man-made earthquakes?
Scotty becomes suspicious when a Berkley grad who developed a way to revolutionize mining goes missing, and localized earthquakes in Canada and Mexico kill their prime minister and president. He teams up with a Royal Canadian Mountie to discover if these natural disasters are truly "natural."

Who is the US President's puppeteer?
Shortly after the deaths of the Mexican and Canadian officials, on March 2011, a cataclysmic 8.8 earthquake lasting over two minutes takes 242,000 lives in California. Are these events linked? A guessing game ensues as to the real entity pulling US President Rasheed's strings. What is the true motivation to rack up debt to the point of the country's ruination?

What's really driving the US towards bankruptcy?
From; San Francisco, California to Washington D.C., Vancouver BC, and Cozumel, Mexico, Red House explores in humorously irreverent, gritty detail, the tipping points between treachery, incompetence and ideology against the backdrop of a rich international tapestry of intrigue. Is corruption or narcissistic megalomania driving the bus hurtling the US towards bankruptcy?

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